Sunday, May 8, 2011


One more post for today...I promise it's the last one!

We have dates, yes we do!!! Finally, after a back and forth game between parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles...we have settled on our dates. So all, mark your calendars:

Saturday, November 26, 2011 in Tennessee
Saturday, May 26, 2012 in Belgium

Exactly 6 months in between...of course, save the dates will follow soon. The big ceremony with the white dress will be in Belgium...but we plan on having a small, mostly family (and friends who can't make it to Belgium) ceremony in the sign papers, make it official, etc. So keep an eye on the mailbox (that is, if i get time off this project to make my save-the-dates).



  1. I love your blog and I'm so glad you said yes! The dates are already written on the calendar. Can't wait for updates. Rudi

  2. Hey there!
    C'est super de pouvoir partager un peu de l'émotion des préparatifs et d'entendre de toi dans cette période bien importante... still can't believe you're actually getting married! but getting used to it... and incredibly happy for you!! (a bit jealous of your "diamond" also I must say...)
    Good luck with everything - not sure where we'll be on the dates - but we'll certainly think of you!!!

  3. Love you Sylvie! Can't wait till you are officially part of the family, although it has felt that way for years. Thanks for sharing the information through this blog. It's perfect!
