Thursday, May 26, 2011

Exactly 365 days to go...

Today is May 26th, I have exactly another 365 days (as my best friend, Anouschka pointed out this morning) to call Z my fiance :-) Well actually, perhaps really only 182 days...I think i might have to call him my husband once i sign those papers in TN. Oh well, i am sure i'll get used to that too!

As with all great events, this event calls for a resolution...yes, and mine is, you might have guessed: get in super shape for the big day. How? By my self-made program. I have banned refined sugars from my diet (yes, chocolate is also considered refined mean!) and most carbs. Zach was reading this book on how much better it is to eat proteins, so based on this book, I decided to not eat carbs for lunch and dinner...but i can still eat my cereals of toast for breafast. I started the program this morning at breakfast...and i am happy to report that it is almost 3:30pm and i still haven't had any refined sugars! Woehoeeee!

The goal is to lose 1 kg per month, or 6 kg by my wedding date. I'll post regular updates on how this is going...

In the meantime: happy -1 anniversary to us!


PS: I am also happy to announce that I am flying home to Z tomorrow....finally, after being away for 3 weeks

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sandra Special

After being asked multipple times to finallt post some pics of my lover are some is taken by Goeric when visiting us in LA...the other one is a self-portrait from our "engagement" hike. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


One more post for today...I promise it's the last one!

We have dates, yes we do!!! Finally, after a back and forth game between parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles...we have settled on our dates. So all, mark your calendars:

Saturday, November 26, 2011 in Tennessee
Saturday, May 26, 2012 in Belgium

Exactly 6 months in between...of course, save the dates will follow soon. The big ceremony with the white dress will be in Belgium...but we plan on having a small, mostly family (and friends who can't make it to Belgium) ceremony in the sign papers, make it official, etc. So keep an eye on the mailbox (that is, if i get time off this project to make my save-the-dates).


A brithday celebration...

This has nothing to do with wedding preparations...but i just felt like sharing this. I just spent an amazing weekend with Zach in Seattle...we visited Hongfei, Cedric and Raphael (my sister-in-law and nephews) for Cedric's birthday celebration. Cedric is very special to me...he's my godson! So I had to make him our traditional Denuit birthday you can see, it's a train...although his mom and uncle-to-be (Zach) were very sceptical about this being a train (they were just too impatient to wait to see the finished product and were commenting while it was only half-built), Cedric saw right away what it was (tchuk-tchuk-tuuut-tuuut were his words as he was helping me put the wheels on the freight cars...and then right before eating, his answer to a little friend's quote "wow, this looks like a train", "That is because it IS a train" (rolling of eyes to the ceiling) ;-)

Anyway, I hope he had fun, cause I know I did...can't wait for the next visit!

My engagement "ring"

By now, most of you know that I didn't get the usual diamond ring for my engagement...if you know me well you also know that this is most probably a good thing (can you imagine me coming home one day, looking at my finger and saying "shoot...where did I loose my ring"...indeed, this would not be a very good thing). So Zach (who happens to know me pretty well), decided to buy me something I could not it is. It's a monster, but it is sooo cool! You should all come visit and I will take you for a spin (although according to Zach it is pretty damn scary to ride in the back ;-))